HubSpot - Bugs, Feature Requests and Training Requests for HD

This document is to explain protocol on bug tickets, feature request tickets and training request tickets

NOTE: In all instances be sure to choose the Product

Bug/Fixes tickets

For support tickets that come in (and we verify the issue is indeed a bug) there is a Bug/Pending Fix ticket type (please do not use the word ‘bug’ in the description or title of a ticket unless the issue is verified to be a bug). Include the bug issue in the ticket title and provide a complete description. Use the Bug/Pending Fix ticket type and add the category, subcategory and other standard ticket fields. Change the status to Escalated.

Once all the proper details are added and fields filled out, obtain the Jira card ID from the product lead (Tom, Stephen, Cyndi, JP) and attach it to your support ticket (located in the right column of the support ticket). 

You can also add yourself to the Jira ticket as a watcher so you can get notifications about the status changes and completion of the fix. 

Adding yourself as a watcher is done by opening the Jira card (click the title of the card) and look for the eyeball icon in the upper right area of the card.

Once the fix has been deployed, email the user from the ticket to let them know the fix has been deployed and close the ticket.

Feature Request tickets

This process will be similar to Bug Fix tickets, however we assign the ticket to the product lead.

For vCreative users, feature request tickets are submitted by the user through their user account. Those come into our Unassigned tickets view in the Inbox. For PromoSuite users there is not an option in the users' account to submit a feature request, but users email the team directly for requests and those can be turned into feature request tickets.

Review the feature request first to verify it's not a user training issue where they are simply not aware of a feature or process that does exist in the product (if this is an existing feature turn the ticket into a support ticket).

Once the verification is done, create the ticket from the feature request form. Be sure to include a quick summary of the request and keep Feature Request in the title. Add the users name in the ticket description and any more details obtained if you have discussed it with the user. Use the Feature Request ticket type. Be sure to choose the product and change it to Product pipeline.. Please send an email to the user from the ticket thanking them for sending in the request and letting them know it’s being passed on to the product manager. And then assign the ticket to the product manager. Andrew for PromoSuite, Stephen for vPromotions, Cyndi for vProMedia, Tom for vPPO and JP for vTrade. Leave the status in NEW - and the product lead will change it to the proper status.

Training request tickets

Training request tickets will be created if a user contacts us requesting a training session for a team (their sales staff) or if a manager role is requesting training in a product.

The original support ticket will become the training request if the user reached out requesting help for an issue. Or training request tickets can be created directly. 

PromoSuite team will assign their ticket owners. vProMedia training requests should be sent to Aaron, vPromotions training requests should be sent to Shelly, vPPO training tickets should be sent to Tom and vTrade training requests should be sent to JP.

Change the status of the training ticket accordingly as the process advances (new, pending discovery, scheduled, completed and closed - did not happen). Change the pipeline to Training - Refresher, the ticket type to Training and once it's completed also add the Training Completed date.


If you have any questions please reach out to Shelly!


Related Articles:

HubSpot - Account Setup

HubSpot - The Inbox

HubSpot - The Ticket

HubSpot - Email

HubSpot - Associations

HubSpot - Saved Custom Tabs

HubSpot - Knowledge Base

HubSpot - Creating Deals