The PRF Categories tab is where you can manage the promotional categories available for your firm to create. This tab is visible only to users with Promotions Director, Program Director or General Manager ability.
PRF (promotion request form) Categories are the different types of promotions available to choose when creating a promotion for your firm such as web content, social media posts, contests, remotes, etc. PRF Categories are found by hovering over your name in the upper right corner of your account and going to Settings - vPromo Tab - PRF Categories.
We will provide you with a collection of Categories when you first onboard with vPromotions, however you also have the ability to create any Category you would like.
To create a category click on +New Category. From there you will Name your Category (be sure to give it a name which will be easy for your team to understand), choose the Group the Category falls in (On Air, Online, On Site or MultiMedia) and the Type of Category you are creating (Contest, Event, Content or Floating Contest). For more guidelines on Creating a PRF Category click HERE. We recommend grouping by media type: On Air, Online, On Site, Etc. The PRF Category Type will determine what functionality is assigned to each Category. For more guidelines on PRF Category Types click HERE. Once you save the new Category it will be available to choose from when creating a new PRF. We are always happy to help you set this up or make adjustments as you go.
You also have the ability to restrict the visibility for PRF Categories. For example you may want to have a PRF Category for Live Show - meaning your on air staff will do their whole show live on location. However perhaps maybe you don't want that PRF Category to be one which the sales team can sell, but rather restrict that option to just those users in your firm who are managers. The Visibility field allows you to click into it and choose the abilities who should see that Category.
NOTE: Leaving the visibility field blank is the way to ensure every user in your market with the ability to create a PRF will have access to that category
In the PRF Categories tab you also have the ability to Edit a PRF (the name is exempt from editing), Deactivate a PRF Category (which will not remove it completely from you market but simply make it inactive with the option to activate again later if you like) and Activate a PRF Category (which is how to reactivate a previously deleted Category).
These active PRF Categories are available to choose from when creating a New PRF on your home page in vPromotions. Once you choose the PRF Category, the full form will populate for you to complete. Note: the full forms for each of your PRF Categories are customizable. Those details are covered in the next option under the vPromo tab - PRF Builder.
For questions please reach out to the vCreative support team by calling 800-605-9889 Monday - Friday from 8am - 8pm ET.