Create a keyword contest in vPromotions and have the keywords automatically appear in Text Groove!
vPromotions has an integration with Text Groove that makes scheduling, executing, and fulfilling a text-to-win contest so much more simple!
To connect your vPromotions workflow with your Text Groove account, please contact You'll also need to contact your Text Groove representative at to request the integration.
Once you have the vPromotions Text Groove Integration completely set up in Text Groove and vPromotions, here's how to use it:
Contest Creation In vPromotions
Creating the contest happens just as it would with any contest:
- The PRF is submitted and approved (if necessary).
- Text to Win Plays are scheduled.
- Prizes are assigned.
- Keywords are entered in the Keyword column in the Plays tab in the PRF.
- Note that you will not see the Assign Winner icon. Winners are assigned in Text Groove.
Keyword Set Up in Text Groove
Setting up the Keywords in Text Groove is simple.
- Go to Apps in the left navigation panel, and select vPromotions Integration
- Find the keywords for the contest you created in vPromotions and click +Add to Keywords.
- From there, you will see the standard settings for adding a keyword to Text Groove.
- You can select the correct Sender
- Note that the keyword carries over from vPromotions.
- You can edit the prize description, Match Type, and start / end of the texting window.
- You'll also be able to create a custom auto reply if they enter the keyword correctly.
When you are sure that everything is set up as you need it, click Add Keyword at the bottom of the form.
If you have multiple keyword plays in the contest, you'll want to repeat the process for each of the keywords.
Once all keywords are set up, they will be visible in the Apps / Keywords area of Text Groove.
vPromotions On Air Tab
In the On Air screen in vPromotions:- Instead of an Assign Winner button, you'll see a "Take Me To Text Groove" button that opens Text Groove to the Keywords page where you can assign a winner.
- In the event that the winner's information is not already in vPromotions, you can contact the winner and edit winner information once they have been assigned.
Assigning Winners in Text Groove
- Go to Apps in the left navigation panel, and select Keywords. There you will see all of the scheduled Keyword Plays and how many entries there are for each, among other things.
- Find the Keyword for which you are choosing a winner and click on the green Keyword Statistics icon on the right.
- At the top of the page, click "Pick Winner"
- You'll see the phone number that was randomly chosen. You can either pick another winner, or click "Send to Winner vPromotions."
- You'll see a green "SUCCESS: VPromotions recieved winner successfully" message on success.
NOTE: Each Play in vPromotions can only have one prize/package, one Text Groove Keyword and one winner.
In vPromotions
In vPromotions, if the winner has previous wins and has a phone number on file, you will see the winner name listed in Plays. If the winner's number is not in vPromotions, in the winner column in the PRF Plays tab, you will simply see, "No Winner". You can click on that, call the winner, and fill in the required fields.
After that, the prize if fulfilled just as every contest play in vPromotions is fulfilled. You'll see the winner in the Signed Documents Fulfillment Dashboard and be able to send them the link to fill out their paperwork and then fulfill their prize and mark is as "claimed.
As always, if you need any help, please contact vCreative's Help Desk. We are always happy to assist you!