Firm Settings: Stations - Auto Forfeit - vPromotions

Auto Forfeit is a station-based option in your Firm Settings that will automatically forfeit a winner's prize after the specified number of days. It is located in Settings / Firm / Stations in the Actions area.

If your station has a rule that says that winners have 60 days to pick up their prize, then setting the Auto Forfeit to 60 days will automatically return the prize to the Prize Closet and mark that Play as Forfeited for that winner 60 days after the prize is won.

If the prize is not in house, by using the "Prize In House" feature, the Auto Forfeit will not start counting down the days, until the prize is marked "In House," so the winner will have the specified number of days after the prize is ready for pick-up.

If the winner has already signed the required Signed Documents for that prize, the Auto Forfeit will not forfeit the prize, so you can provide the prize to the winner at any point after that.

Setting Auto Forfeit Days (Firm Admin Only)


If you are a Firm Admin, you have access to the Settings /  Firm / Station area. Once there, you will see each station listed, and in the Actions column, a group of icons for various station-based options. Click on the "gift box" icon (above) for Prize Auto Forfeit.



Set the On/Off Switch to the On position. In the Days field, enter the number of days that your rules state a winner has to claim their prize. We suggest adding one additional day, just to ensure that the winner doesn't come in an hour too late to pick up their prize. Click Save, and that is it!


For questions please reach out to the vCreative support team by calling 800-605-9889 Monday - Friday from 8am - 8pm EST.