[Taxes] How To Export Winner W-9s

To export the W-9 documents digitally collected via Contact-Free Prize Fulfillment you can use the "W-9 Export Utility" inside PromoSuite Next. 


To get started, go to Front Desk > Listener Database > Utilities > W-9 Export.

When you've arrived, select the stations for which you wish to export data, then set the filter options to export the winner W-9's you need. 

When set, click "Submit."


Upon doing so you will be presented with a list of winners who meet the criteria and can click "Export" to download a .zip file containing individual W-9s, in .pdf format.

You may also "uncheck" the box in front of any winner whose W-9 you do not wish to export - then click "Export."



To export W-9s your permissions must be set to allow you to "view" social security numbers. 
Click here to learn more about customizing user permissions