vProMedia Release Notes v93 Build 2.0.872

Bug Fixes

  • VC2-7399 Custom folders can be duped by sharing
    Previously, if a custom folder was shared with a user more than once there were two folders populated in the left navigation, but only once in the folder filter options. Now, a custom folder can no longer be shared more than once to the same person.
  • VC2-7307 Deleted ad types causing errors
    We resolved an issue when an ad type that is used in a custom folder has been deactivated, the custom folder was no longer loading. Now the custom folder will still load with the preexisting orders for the deactivated ad type. 
  • VC2-7379 Compact view: searching Current Folder
    We fixed an issue when doing a search for a client then from those search results doing another search (current folder) of active status there was no change to the search results list. Now the search result is populating with the new results.

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