vProMedia Release Notes v92 Build: 2.0.857

Bug Fixes

  • An improvement was made to update the "new end date for all" option when extending multiple spots. This indicator will show the next available date that the spot can be extended and is consistent with the individual extend dates fields.
  • Some users reported completion checks not holding. Updates were made to improve refresh rates
  • Some users reported status dropdowns showing “No results found” until a refresh. UI improvements were made to ensure all status options are available when the user has permissions to edit a spot.
  • We resolved an issue with notifications not being sent if the “Post to all spots” option was used when blogging. Now users should get the normal blog notification for both single and multi-spot blog messages. 
  • We fixed an issue causing a spinner in the order form when a request starts with Needs Dubbing status but didn’t have the final spot attached. When submitting this type of order without a file, the system will prompt you with a message to remind you that a final spot file has not been attached. Previously, when clicking to continue, the user would get stuck with a waiting spinner. Now, when the user clicks to continue the order will finish submitting or take you back to the form to allow for a file to be attached. 
  • Previously, When clicking an in-system blog notification, the textarea to respond was missing and as a workaround users had to close the notification and reopen from the main blog icon. Now, when clicking on a blog notification, users will be able to respond within the same slide out.

For questions or to provide feedback, please contact the help desk.