vProMedia Release Notes 2.0.585

ISCI Generation

ISCI entry in vProMedia can be done with a single click for firms that have this ability activated. Benefits of using the ISCI generation feature include:

  1. Locked ISCI field - eliminate the possibility of typos or data entry mistakes. The ISCI generation feature prevents entering characters with any other method and warning messages ensure that you don’t overwrite accidentally.
  2. User ability access - Prevent the assignment of an ISCI prematurely by limiting access to ISCI generation. Only the user accounts with appropriate permissions can use the feature, preventing spots from getting uploaded before all the approvals have been met.
  3. Customize and standardize your ISCI - Your firm’s ISCI pattern can be created by placing the fields below in any order.

Here's how you can start using ISCI generation in vProMedia:

  1. Contact vCreative to activate ISCI generation. Be sure to include a list of users that will need to have this ability added to their account.
  2. Confirm that clients have an agency code by going to the left nav bar, then clients.
  3. Users with the proper abilities turned on can generate an ISCI from the listview by clicking into the ISCI field and using the + button to generate.

    The other method for generating an ISCI can be performed from inside of the QO. Users with ISCI generation ability will be able to to see a + button to generate the ISCI. Each use of the + will generate a new ISCI. The X button can be used to remove an ISCI if it was generated by accident. WARNING: Removing or regenerating an ISCI is not reversible!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error on saving voice profile settings
  • Fixed the email link in the voice request notification to navigate to the accept/reject page
  • Fixed the product selector on login for mobile use