vPPO Best Practices and New User Tips

Here are some helpful tips for new users

Table of Contents


Cheat Sheet

Starting Statuses

Status Colors

Revisions & Extensions

Traffic Directors

Production Directors

Producer/Voicers - vPPO Voice Profile Setup Guide



Account Setup


Email Notifications and Folder Settings


Cheat Sheet

Starting Statuses

Status Colors

You will notice your production orders have different colors. The colors are simply in place to help separate statuses. For example, any order in Needs Production status will be purple. Any order in Needs Dubbed status will be white. If you would like a view of what each of the colors represents, you can view the full breakdown by clicking (please have your vPPO account open at the time) - HERE

Revisions & Extensions

Step by Step for a REVISION

1) They need to find the original that needs to end early, be replaced, change rotation

(add/remove rotating spots)

2) They click the empty checkbox

3) They click the "REVISE" option at the top of the screen

4) They click on the Client Name to open the order.



5) Then, they change the END DATE to the day the existing spot needs to end, and/or

6) They click the "+" sign to add the new spot.

7) They add the Title for the new spot

8) They change the status from REVISION to Needs Production, Needs Dubbed, etc… on the

new spot only. (Leave the first spot in REVISION status)

9) Change the other information that needs to change (Due Date, Start Date and End

Date, script, attached spot, etc... whatever is new)

10) Click Submit.

There will now be one pink spot with a Status of "Revision" plus, any other spot lines that

may have been added to the order will be directly under it, and have a Status of “Needs

Writing”, "Needs Production" or "Needs Dubbed"

Step by Step for EXTEND DATES

(only to be used when you're wanting to keep a spot on the air longer than originally anticipated.)

1) They need to find the original that needs to be extended

2) They click the empty checkbox

3) They click the "EXTEND" option at the top of the screen

4) They click on the Client Name to open the order.

5) They change the END DATE to the NEW END DATE.

6) Click Submit.

Production will make sure the Automation Dates are correct. Then they will sign off on it.

Traffic will do the same within the Traffic Software and sign off on it.


Traffic Directors

Account Setup

Here are the recommended profile settings for a Traffic Directors account. You can find this page by going to My Account under the Maintenance tab.


Site Profile options:




Email Notifications


Production Directors

Account Setup

Here are the recommended profile settings for a Production Directors account. You can find this page by going to My Account under the Maintenance tab.


Site Profile Options:



Email notifications


vPPO Voice Profile Setup Guide


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to vCreative support at support@vcreativeinc.com or call 800-605-9889 Monday-Friday 8am-8pm ET.