vProMedia Release Notes v82 Build 2.0.691

Anchored script and voice folders

Previously, these folders would relocate to the top of the system folders list upon a folder reset.

Now, these folders will be anchored below the system and custom saved folders in their own section. After doing a folder reset for a user, these folders should remain in the same position.

If you find that these folders are still not anchored to the bottom of the vProMedia folder list, reset your folders by clicking on the settings wheel at the top right of your account.

At the bottom of your folder management section, click Reset Folders and that will place the voice request and script tools at the bottom of the list. 


Bug Fixes


  • Resolved an issue where added URLs were intermittently disappearing or incompletely uploading within certain locations. The root cause was identified as a real-time synchronization problem that failed to update the location for other users when a URL was attached. Consequently, the bug resulted in subsequent actions by other users on the location overwriting the URL update.


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