Lead Time By Ad Type

Submitting a new request always requires a due date. However, the level of work being asked for in the request could better inform the due date.

Make sure that simple work can be "due tomorrow" while more complex requests adhere to defined rules by the production department. Your order forms can now have set lead times based on the Due Date entered to ensure enough time between production and ready for air. 

Customer Support or Users with Local Admin access* can set the lead time per Ad Type or project from the Local Admin>vPro Ad types tab>Ad type options>Lead Time


The number of days set will determine the first start date available based on the due date set.

For instance, setting 3 days will ensure that there are 3 business days between the Due date selected on the form and the first available start date. (US holidays and weekends are not included)


A lead time of 3 days** for this ad type means that selecting a due date of 12-9-2022 will give the first available start date of 12-14-2022. 

*Gaining Local Admin Access requires additional training with a vPro implementation specialist, contact vCreative Support for details. 
**3 business days, beginning with the due date and excluding weekends.