Time Logging

For adtypes that need to track time spent for each job, vPro provides the Time Logging capabilities that allow your team to record time spent or quantities, such as voiceovers provided, for each request. This is configurable by a local admin (typically a Production Director) under the vPro Ad Types setting in the left-navigation bar. Click on the Time Logging button at the top of the table. In the right slideout you can set up the list of descriptions for each task name that need to be tracked, add instructions like the type of data that needs to be recorded (i.e. hours/minutes spent, quantities of graphics, voiceovers, music tracks etc…) then, choose the type of input fields for those descriptions. Each Task name can also include a rate charged based on the time or quantity entered.


Once a job has been marked completed, the assigned person will choose the Task Name and record their data.


After time is logged a link will appear in the files column showing all jobs that have recorded data.


Please contact the Help desk for assistance with getting your adtypes setup for time logging.