vPro 2.0.21 Release Notes


Improved Delegation Menu

Managers or any users with the ability to delegate jobs in the POC column will find an improved interface. The updated menu can group multi-market teams by their market as well as list outsource options like Production Houses. For teams with very long lists of possible staff, there is also now a “Quick Search” that filters the listings by what you’ve typed in.

Assign jobs across the hall or across the country.

Client Information Fields

If the creative request needs to include specific information about the client or advertiser, these fields can not only be added to the Ad Types where they are needed but auto-populate the saved information. Typical uses for this would be including an address, contact information, or a  marketing or billing contact at the client business who needs to be known by the creative side. Contact the vCreative support team for assistance in setting up these fields and importing client data.


The fields themselves can be customized as well!

Files: Download All

To speed up the process of grabbing all files attached to a request, the Files detail slide-out now includes a simple “Download All” option. From any List View, this will allow users to bulk-download all uploaded work parts and relevant files on a request.

Click “Files” to get full details on the attachments.

When you click the new “Download All” link, the system will give you the option to include completed Voice Parts files as well.

Optionally include completed voice parts in the .zip

Finally, clicking the “Download” button will begin the process of zipping the files together to then be handed off to your browser as a .zip file, named with the Client and Title fields of that request.

Large/many files will take longer to zip


Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • During the Copy process, a multi-spot request will obey the user selected option to copy the Cart/House # instead of copying it over no matter what
  • Direct editing of a request by managers (not revising) will no longer reload/reset the required approval checks
  • A multi-spot request will properly list the preloaded “Client Files” on more than just the first spot on the request