vPro v2.0.18 Release Notes



Voice Request Interface

Groups that are using a talent pool to share voice talent regardless of their physical location will see a new interface when clicking "Add Voice" in the Files column. The requests for voice work will now be handled through the familiar panel that slides out from the right side of the screen. The same fields are presented with some enhancements. The biggest change is that the producer requesting voice work can now search for and listen to the talent inside of the request interface. Click on this article for more details on Submitting Voice Requests.

Fast and simple requests for voice work.


Request Lockout Timer

The request "lockout" shows when another user is currently editing or updating some details. While this keeps users from stepping on each other's toes, sometimes people forget and don't complete what they start. To make sure no one is locked out of a request longer than needed, there is now a countdown and automatic unlocking of requests that are left in limbo for too long.


Have a manager reach out to the vC support team to set your group's timing for this, we can have anything from a couple of minutes to hours before the lock automatically releases.



The user is notified about the timeout when they come back.


Hiding Voice Parts

Requests can sometimes have many completed, denied or other voice requests you just want to hide but not delete. The new "eye" icon beside voice requests allows the producer to hide any requests they no longer wish to see. The small blue cog will show any hidden parts and allow them to be reshown.



Improvements & Bug Fixes:

  • Bugfix to stop the Blog icon from defaulting to grey when a status is manually updated
  • Bugfix to make sure the QO form shows the "outcue" or expanded player for audio files properly
  • Bugfix to ensure the print script button works as intended in Chrome
  • Improved formatting for time stamps found in the History and Blog tools