vPPO Release Notes 9/8/2020

New vPPO Features

Search Role Specific

Now vPPO offers POC search by specific job such as Writer or Dubber.  In the search screen, open the People & POCs filter. Select the talent via the “POC Assigned As” menu, then select the Job from the menu to the right side of POC.  Note, this filter is not designed to work in conjunction with the other POC filters.   You can combine filters for Client, Status, Stations or Ad Types.


Ad Type Start Date Limit by Status

Ad Types allow for a minimum date range prior to a start date.  With this release, Needs Dubbed or Needs Uploaded are exempt from the Ad Type minimum date range.  It is assumed that Needs Dubbed or Needs Uploaded content is complete and ready to go live.   To learn more about Ad Type date ranges limits, please contact the vPPO Help Desk.   Note:  If your company uses corporate ad types, ad profile rules apply to all markets.

Issues Resolved

Search Client Name with Special Characters

This is an update to a previous issue concerning special characters and client name searches. When searching via client name, if you select from the auto-suggested names the search will be exact to the name selected.  If you would prefer to search via similar names, do not select from the auto-suggested options in the black popup.    EX:  In the screenshot below, if you select A+ Computers from the popup, the result would contain only spots with A+ Computers.  However, if you were to search on A+ (space) the results would include A+ Accountants, A+ Computers, A+Tutoring.   All client name searches must contain a minimum of three characters.


Status Column Sort

Previously, the All folder was not “sortable” via the Status column header.  With this update, users can sort the All folder via the Client, Due Date, Start Date and Status columns, just click on the column header. 

Disallow Today as a Start Date on New Spots

This release enforces the firm setting if enabled, new spots can not be submitted with today as the start date.

POC Assignment Order

For delegators with multiple markets, the POC order will now show the delegator’s home market first, followed by connected markets in alphabetical order.  (Note, this is assuming “Separate producers by market” is turned on in My Account settings. )

Add Voice International Date Issue

Previously, Firms using the  international date format:  D/M/Y would get a date error for “urgent” “add voice” requests.   With this release the issue is now fixed, urgent voice requests will default to today’s date with the proper format.  

Chrome English/French Canadian Translation Error

This release fixes an error some users experienced when using Chrome’s translation setting.  Previously, during order entry, the calendar would show incorrect dates when translating to French. 

Blank Person ID Search 

When using Search, if you added an additional row to the POC search field but did not enter in a POC name, the search would return incorrect information.  This issue has been resolved with this release. A blank field will no longer impact your search results.


Search via Station with Scheduled Filter

A search using “stations scheduled” was returning incorrect information if only a portion of stations on the quick order were scheduled.  This issue has been resolved. 

Voice Request Files with Special Characters

Previously, if voice request files were saved with special characters in the file name, the voice request would not download from vPPO.  This issue is now fixed allowing special characters in the file name.

Script Library Load Issue

Some users could not search via categories in the script library, the screen would fail to load.   This issue is now resolved.

Sort Deleted People List

With this update, local admin can view the deleted people list and sort the list by the column headers. The default view is alphabetical by name.