Sale people can now be assigned to a PRF by whomever is filling out the PRF via the new "Sales Assignment" system field, This allows sales assistants and others to submit a PRF on behalf of a sales person and assign the PRF to them when submitting it rather having to submit, and then go into the PRF to add the sales person.
The Sales Assignment field will list everyone with "Sales Person" or "Sales Manager" ability for the selected stations on the PRF.
Creating the Field
If you are a Promotions Director, Program Director of General Manager (ability) in vPromotions, go to Settings / vPromo / PRF Builder to add a Sales Assignment field to as many forms as you'd like.
1) Add a New Dropdown field to the PRF Form for a category by dragging the "Dropdown" field from New Fields over to the left of the field list for that category.
2) Name that field "Sales Assignment." (Make sure that there is only one space between "Sales" and "Assignment".)
3) Click anywhere outside of the "Label - Dropdown" field and you will see this confirmation message:
4) You must check "Allow Multiple" for the field to work properly.
5) Now that you have added one Sales Assignment field, you can drag it to the Field Clipboard in the center section, and then open the forms for any PRF Categories to which you would like to add it. The simply drag the field from the Field Clipboard to the left of each for to add the field to that form. Once added, you may move the field up of down in order.
Pro Tip: Always place the Sales Assignment field below the Station selector in the PRF. Not all sales people sell for all stations, so this will prevent the field clearing if a station is chosen for which the selected sales person does not have access.