Enhanced Search Experience

You no longer have to switch to the All or Inbox folder to ensure the broadest results

With this latest enhancement, initiating a search from within a custom folder becomes more intuitive and tailored to your needs. When you start a search within a custom folder, the results will exclusively reflect requests from within the current search folder's parameters.

For those seeking the broadest spectrum of results, starting a search from the All or Inbox folder has traditionally been the go-to choice. However, with our new firm setting, users gain the flexibility to choose their search scope right from the start, even while within a custom folder.

Users will now encounter a prompt offering the choice to search within the current folder or across All folders. This empowers users to optimize their search experience based on their specific requirements, ensuring they find precisely what they're looking for with ease.

Choose Search Current Folder if you want to keep the search criteria used from the previous search.

Choose  Search All Folders If you want to look for spots with different criteria than the previous search.

In addition to these helpful new options, you can now save your searches quicker too!

We've moved the Save Search as Folder button up to the Search Results table. So you no longer have to click back into the magnifying glass to save your results to a new custom folder.