

Every user has the ability to edit Email and In-System Notifications from your profile settings. This is also where you can allow Browser and Desktop notifications if the permission was previously denied.

Click on the drop-down menu next to your name in the upper-right corner of your screen. Select the Notifications tab at the top of the page. You can then click the Edit button to the far-right of each section to control which notifications you want to receive. 

Attention requests:
Receive this notification when one of your spots (or spots you are assigned to) is placed in the Attention Status.  

New requests:
Receive a notification each time a new order is submitted. (Account Executives will only receive notifications for their own requests.)

Completed requests:
Each time one of your spots has met all the completion checks and auto-archives you will receive this notification.

Completed by others: (managers only) Each time any spot has met all the completion checks and auto-archives you will receive this notification.

Canceled or Deleted requests:
Use this as a safety net in case a spot is changed in error or if you are actively working on a spot and you want to be notified right away that the spot is no longer needed.

Revision requests:
Anytime the revision process is used on a spot you will receive this notification.

Extend requests:
Anytime the Extend process is used on a spot you will receive this notification.

Traffic change requests:
When a spot has changes made to the Rotation pattern, Start/End Date, Stations, Traffic Notes section, you will be notified.

Blog Messages:
Don’t miss out on the conversation taking place on a spot.(recommended) 

Blog - Orders I’ve made for others: (managers and Sales Asst.)
Stay connected to an order you submitted for someone else, in case there are any questions or concerns that you need to address.

Aircheck file upload:
Get notified when a file is added to a spot using the “Aircheck” File Type

Script file upload:
Get notified when a file is added to a spot using the “Script” File Type

Final spot file upload:
Get notified when a file is added to a spot using the “Final Spot” File Type

Script approved: Instantly know when a spot in “Script Review” gets approved and is ready for Production.

Spot approved:
Instantly know when a spot in “Spot Review” gets approved and is ready to air.

Script changes:
Receive notification when the Script box on a request has been altered. (Producers can edit the script box from the files column in list view.)

Further assistance can be reached through the Live Chat and Help Desk phone number (1.800.605.9889)
Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm EST or email us: