Voice Profile

Users with the ability to do voice-over work should start by making sure they have their Voice Profile set. This is done from the Account section of the user profile. If you do not see this section in your profile, this means you do not currently have the voice ability. You can call or chat the vCreative Help Desk to get this added to your account.



Manage Talent Pools: Which markets will you contribute to if you are linked to any sister markets for your firm.

Demo File: Upload a short demo sampling your voice styles

Website: If you have an imaging website you'd like to reference

Union: Check if you belong to a Union

I am available for voice requests: This needs to be checked for you to be available in the voice pool. Your name will not show as an option if this is not selected. 

Include in All Swim: Selecting this will also send you notifications when someone has requested a voice through an All Swim. (An All Swim is a request for a voice with specific attributes. All users with voice abilities that match those attributes in your voice profile will receive an alert to grab the All Swim voice request. 

Voice Talent Notes: Share any notes that may be helpful to determine if your voice is right for the spot. You may also wish to list specific turn-around times for voice parts to be completed.

Select Tone: all that match your particular read styles.