vPPO Release Notes 5/25/2020

New Look, New Colors

vCreative vPPO has a fresh new look, the colors are softer, the view is more responsive to screen size and a bit easier on the eye.  The new design has not changed the vPPO features you know and rely on for cloud based workflow.

Voice Request Hide Inactive Requests

Rejection, it's a tough thing.  Sometimes a voice request will need to be redone, previously the original request was visible to the talent in the active folder as "declined."   In the new view, closed, declined and rejected voice requests are hidden by default.  There is a toggle option at the top of the page to Hide or Show the closed/declined voice requests.  With this release, the default view has the Hide/Show checkbox checked, this will show only the active requests.  Uncheck the box to see declined or rejected requests.  If a voice request is to be re-voiced, the original will show as "Rejected."


Issues Resolved

Redo Voice Request hidden until page refresh

Previously, if a voice request was set to "re-do" it would disappear from the Files column, until the page was refreshed.  With this fix, the re-do request will show in the files column immediately.  The original request will be noted as "rejected," the re-do request will show as "accepted."


Voice Pool Search showing All Swim and Audition Options

Previously, Firms that have Audition and All Swim options in their voice pool were seeing these as choices in the voice pool search.  With the fix they are no longer visible.   If your Group would like to learn more about All Swim or Audition options, please contact the vPPO Help Desk. 

Manual Status change from Archived resets Scheduled/Dubbed check boxes

Traffic and Production Directors have the ability to manually change archived content to active status. We highly recommend the "Revision" process over the manual status change of archived material.  Previously, the manual status change did not reset scheduled, dubbed or uploaded checkboxes.  With the fix, if you change a spot’s status from archived to live status the scheduled, dubbed and uploaded checkboxes will be reset. To archive this spot, the appropriate checkboxes will need to be checked.