Prize Sponsorships for Contests & Giveaways

Sponsorships now have an optional Prize Provided field for Contest and Giveaway Sponsorships.

Creating A Prize Sponsorship

Creating Prize Sponsorships vary only slightly from other sponsorships due to the "Require Prizes" checkbox. 


In the example above, the contest lasts a month and will have weekly sponsorships (Monday - Friday) requiring the client to provide a prize each week. The Promotions Director or Program Director can add the provided prize to the plays for that particular week in Details / Plays for that promotion.

Selling A Prize Sponsor

When an new Prize Sponsor is sold, the sales person can mark it as Sold from the main Sponsorships Tab or the Details / Sponsorships tab for that contest. The form will be the same as other sponsorships with the exception of the fact that a prize will be required in the Prizes Provided field.
