December 2018 Release Notes

Event PA Sheets 

Now those Event Sheets that you send out for upcoming on site activations and broadcasts can be sent with just a click!

Event PA Sheets can be created from the Actions menu from inside an Event PRF.


Information filled out when setting up the event in the Wizard are added to the sheet. Included in the sheet are:

  • Title & Client
  • Start and End Dates & Times
  • Location
  • Default Event Notes (which can be set up in Settings / vPromo / Default Event Notes)
  • Special Instructions
  • People with Mobile Numbers
  • Equipment Checklist
  • On Site Contests and Prizes
  • PRF Blog Messages
  • PRF Details

The Event PA Sheets can be emailed to everyone assigned to the PRF by clicking the Send Email button at the bottom of the Event PA Sheet.


PA Assign Accept or Decline

Now you can find out whether the PA you assigned can be there! 

We added the ability for Promotions Assistants to Accept or Decline assignments. Now you'll know whether they can be there and if not, why not.


Allow Promo Director To See Override Box

Promotions Directors can override winner ineligibility even when overrides have been disabled. 

As an addition to making the "Override Ineligibility" box optional, now the Promotions Director can still see the override box even when it has been hidden to everyone else in Settings / Firm / Firm Options.


Blogs Emails Include All Messages

Now, you see the whole conversation in Blog emails, not just the latest entry. 

It was pointed out that it would be helpful to see the whole conversation in the Blog Emails, so we added it all in!


Blog Email List Streamlined 

Blog email list was showing everyone and their cousin, which was confusing people. 

Here's how it works now:

  • Pre-Approval, the Blog Email list shows anyone assigned as well as anyone in the approval process for that station / PRF Category.
  • When the PRF is Live, the Blog Email list shows only those who are assigned to the PRF or Approved the PRF.
  • Anyone show clicks "Subscribe" on the PRF is also included on approved PRFs.
  • In ALL cases, if someone does not have "Email me when I have a new Blog Post" checked in their User Settings, they will not appear in the Blog Email list.


Contest (PRF) Name on Prize Release

It's the little things. 

Somehow, we forgot to include the Contest Name on the Prize Release. We fixed that.


vPPO Integration Now Showing Corporate Ad Types

Now if you are using vPPO integration, you have ALL of the Ad Types. 

vPPO Integration was only showing local market ad types, but for those companies using vPPO and vPromotions across the entire company, they were not seeing Corp Ad Types in their Package Builder. Now all ad types available show when creating vPPO Packages.



Drag Event Showing as Title for Liners

Just in case you thought there were a lot of "Drag Events." 

We noticed that the title of every liner in the Liner Grid was "Drag Event." (That refers to being able to drag the liner around on the grid, not cross-dressing parties —not that there is anything wrong with that.) Now the Title of the Promotion or the Program Liner appears at the top of the liner pop-up.