January 2018 Release Notes

Idea and Proposal Request Workflow

This is one of those features that we have been planning since the very beginning of vPromotions!  Now, vPromotions can start the creative promotion process right at the start with a request for an Idea or a Proposal that can be submitted for approval before it is pitched to the client. And then, that proposal will automatically convert to PRFs!  Here is how it works:

Activating Idea and Proposal Workflow In Your Market

Firm Admins can activate Idea and Proposal Request Workflow in Settings / Firm / Firm Options, by checking the Enable Proposal Workflow checkbox and clicking the Save Changes button. This will add the +Idea button and the Proposals tab to the Home Calendar.

Idea Request Workflow

Idea request is for when Sales has a Client that needs an idea, and they have some information, but nothing definitive.

  1. Sales clicks on +Idea and fills in all of the information that they have. 
  2. The Idea request goes through it's own Proposal Approval process to ensure that it is necessary. That can be as long or as short as you like!

  3. After approval, the Promotions Director gets a notification and can click View Information to see the request. 


  4. Clicking Create Proposal opens the Proposal form to give the sales person the info that can be proposed. Promotions Directors can propose a New Promotion, an Existing Sponsorship opportunity (from Details > Sponsorships in a PRF) or any combination of the two Elements. In addition to the details of each Element, the Promotions Director also specifies what the station will provide and what the client will provide in return (i.e., tickets, a cash buy, etc.) as well as their values. Clicking Save will save the Proposal for later editing or to send the final info to the sales person.


  5. Once saved, the Promotions Director can see the Proposal in the Proposals tab on the Main Calendar page of vPromotions. To Release the proposed promotion back to the sales person, click the blue button with the little salespeople on it. That will Release the Proposal to Sales.


  6. The sales person can then retrieve the information, craft a pretty proposal in whatever app they choose to use for that (vPromotions doesn't do that —yet!), and when the promotion is approved click the green (like money) Sold It! button.

  7. Once they have confirmed the sale and attached the order (if needed), they get a confirmation and can go back to the Proposals tab to click Create PRF for any New Promotion Elements in the Proposal. From there, the PRF follows your usual workflow.


And that's it!  A seamless Idea request process. 

And if Promotions ever wants to create a Proposal to send out to all AEs, that is easily done from the Proposals tab. But what if Sales already has the proposal that they want to request?  Can we handle that? Of course. 

Sales Proposal Request Workflow

This request is for when Sales has the Proposal information and want to get it approved so that they are cleared to sell it.

  1. The sales person clicks on the Proposals tab from the Main Calendar screen and then the +New Proposal button.  This opens the New Proposal form for the sales person fill in the info that they are requesting to propose to the client. Sales can request to propose a New Promotion, an Existing Sponsorship opportunity (from Details > Sponsorships in a PRF) or any combination of the two Elements. In addition to the details of each Element, the sales person also can request what the station will provide and what the client will provide in return (i.e., tickets, a cash buy, etc.), as can the Promotions Director later. Clicking Save will save the Proposal for later editing or to send the final info for approval.


  2. Once saved, the sales person can see the Proposal in the Proposals tab on the Main Calendar page of vPromotions. To submit the proposed promotion to Promotions, the AE clicks the blue Submit button. That will submit the Proposal to Promotions though the Proposal Approval process.


  3. The Promotions Director can make changes before returning it to the sales person to ensure that the promotion meets all interested parties' needs, save the Proposal, and then Release to Sales when ready.

  4. The sales person can then retrieve the information, craft a pretty proposal in whatever app they choose to use for that (vPromotions doesn't do that —yet!), and when the promotion is approved click the green (like money) Sold It! button.


  5. Once Sales has confirmed the sale and attached the order (if needed), there is a confirmation and the AE can go back to the Proposals tab to click Create PRF for any New Promotion Elements in the Proposal. From there, the PRF follow your usual workflow.


Promotions-Initiated Proposal Workflow

When Promotions wants to initiate the Proposal, that can be done from the Proposals tab on the Main Calendar.

  1. Click on the Proposals tab from the Main Calendar.


  2. Clicking Create Proposal opens the Proposal form for the Promotions Director to give the sales person the information in the Proposal. Promotions Directors can propose a New Promotion, an Existing Sponsorship opportunity (from Details > Sponsorships in a PRF) or any combination of the two Elements. In addition to the details of each Element, the Promotions Director also specifies what the station will provide and what the client will provide in return (i.e., tickets, a cash buy, etc.) as well as their values. Clicking Save will save the Proposal for later editing or to send the final info to Sales.


  3. Once saved, the Promotions Director can see the Proposal in the Proposals tab on the Main Calendar page of vPromotions. If Promotions is providing a Proposal One-Sheet Template, that can be created in whatever application you wish and attached to the Proposal. To Release the proposed promotion back to the sales person, click the blue button with the little salespeople on it. That will Release the Proposal to Sales.


  4. The sales person can then retrieve the information, and when the promotion is sold to the client, click the green (like money) Sold It! button.


  5. Once the sales person has confirmed the sale and attached the order (if needed), there is a confirmation, and the AE can go back to the Proposals tab to click Create PRF to convert  any New Promotion Elements in the Proposal into a PRF. From there, the PRF follows your usual workflow.



Show Past PRFs in MyPRFs with History Icon

Now you can see all of your PRFs from the past in MyPRFs!  We have added a Show History button that shows just the PRFs to which you were assigned. Look for it in the upper right side of the MyPRFs screen, next to the Search box.


Moving PRFs In and Out of Campaigns

You can add PRFs in to a Campaign or out of a Campaign if needed. And of course, you can still move them from one Campaign to another.

To Move It In

  1. Click on a PRF on the Calendar.
    • Make sure the PRF is within the Campaign run dates.
    • Make sure the PRF is on a Campaign station.
    • Make sure the PRF has not started yet.
  2. Click the Move button below the Make Recurring button on the popover.
  3. Choose an available Campaign from the dropdown, and click Move & Save.


To Move It Out

  1. Click on the PRF on the Campaign Calendar or Main Calendar.
  2. Click the Move button below the Make Recurring button on the popover.
  3. Choose Move Out of Campaign or another available Campaign, and click Move & Save. 


MANAGERS: Due by Dates on Assigned Jobs

When you assign someone a Job, you can give them a Due Date!  Of course, you don't have to, but if is digital work with a deadline or something like that, they will see when you need it. Also when they accept or complete the Job, you can get an email notification.


ON AIR: Last 3 Wins Includes Contest Titles

When someone assigns a winner, they can see the last three times the person has won and what Contests! This should keep everyone better informed.


MANAGERS: Winner Ban

No one ever wants to have to do this, but just in case you catch a winner cheating and you need to ban them from winning again in the future, you now have that option. Only Program Directors, Promotions Directors, and Firm Admins have this option.

  1. Go to Settings / vPromo / Winners.
  2. Search for the Winner.
  3. Click the Ban button and enter the reason for banning them.


FIRM ADMINS: Unclaim Prize Option

If for some reason a Firm Admin needs to be able to "Unclaim" a prize, now that is possible. You will need the "Can Unclaim Prizes" ability, which someone on our Help Desk will be happy to add to your account if needed!

NOTE: It goes without saying that unclaiming a Prize that a listener has won and claimed (and signed for) is a really big deal. We urge you to be sure that you have a paper trail that shows that the winner is aware of what is transpiring. 


Run Dates / PRF Categories Added to Monthly Recaps

In Reports, the Monthly Recap Report now shows what kind of promotion it was and when it ran. That is basically it!
