vPro Release Notes


Contract Details Awareness

There is now the option for Contract, Traffic, Scheduling, or any information needed to be highlighted in the Contract column, just how Special Instructions displays info in the Client column. This may be most useful for Budget or Billing information but could be used for displaying any information from the request form. If more than a few bullet points are set to be highlighted, a “show more...” link is shown which will display the full details in a slide-out panel.


Contact the vPro support team to customize the highlighted fields.


File Type Limits for Advertiser Landing Page

Greater controls have been added for which file attachments are exposed to an advertiser through the Advertiser Landing Page System (ALPS). This will limit file access when advertisers are being asked to do a final review or provide feedback to only your attached low-res proofs, externally linked files, or whatever you wish. Please reach out to the vPro support team for assistance in filtering the exposed files.


This client is only allowed to access “Final Video” and “Storyboard” files.



Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Corrected the list view's "Submitted On" to always report when the request was fully submitted and not when it was started as a draft.
  • Fixed the "Work Hours" section of the user profile and settings to properly save the set hours.
  • Blog posts entered using the “Post to all spot” option will no longer spawn duplicate notifications (one for each line of the request) and the single blog notification will navigate to a listview of the full order when clicked
  • Resolved an error when using the "Sold It!!!" button found on Spec spots that could result in logging the user out
  • Resolved an error with the "Send Email" tool in the Files Column that prevented emails from being sent out
  • Restored the Script/Spot and similar Approval and Deny options on the mobile interface