Corporate PRF Categories

Corporate PRF Categories Video

What Are Corporate PRF Categories?

Corporate PRF Categories give companies the ability to:

  • standardize select forms across all markets
  • submit PRFs on stations across the company at once in any markets
  • give regional sales the ability to submit Promotion Request Forms on stations across multiple markets within their region
  • enable multi-market  sales, promotions, and programming departments, if needed


Creating Corporate PRF Categories

Who Can Create

Corporate PRF Categories can be created by anyone with the Promotions Director, Program Director or General Manager ability with "Large Multi-Market User" ability that is a member of the Corporate Firm.


How It Works

Corporate PRF Categories are created by sharing a PRF Category and the form that goes with it in every market within the company. This will add the PRF Category locally to each market, and if there is already a PRF Category with exactly the same name (such as "Contest") it will replace the local PRF Category and form with the corporate one.

And if the Corporate PRF Category is removed, it will disappear from the local markets and in markets where a local PRF Category was replaced, the original local PRF Category will return as it was.


The Advantage

Each market (firm) in vPromotions has the ability to create Promotion Request Forms that are unique from all other markets in the company. For multi-market salespeople, submitting a PRF can only be done in one market at a time. Each PRF Category has the market (firm) name appended to it, and when a category is chosen, only stations from that market can be selected. 


By standardizing the form across all markets, a multi-market seller (or any multi-market person) can select the Corporate PRF Category and choose any stations regardless of market, submitting them all with one click. 

For single-market users, the form for that PRF Category might change if it existed before, but there is no other recognizable difference when submitting a PRF.


How to Create

Here are the steps to creating a Corporate PRF Category:

  1. Go to Settings / vPromo / PRF Categories and create your PRF Category as one normally would. If the PRF Category that you want to make corporate is already there, skip this step.

  2. Go to Settings / vPromo / PRF Builder and edit the form to reflect your needs for this form.

  3. With the form complete, now would be a good time to alert all local markets to the change that is coming so that they will be aware.

  4. Go to Settings / vPromo / PRF Categories in the corporate firm. You will see a column named "Corporate PRF" with a checkbox for each category. Check the box.


  5. You will see a message confirming that you want to share the PRF Category with all markets. Click "Close" to avoid creating the Corporate PRF Category. Click "Make Corporate" to share the Corporate PRF Category with all markets (firms) in your company.


If at any time you want to remove the Corporate Category, just return to Settings / vPromo / PRF Categories and uncheck the Corporate PRF box. This will return everything back to the way it was.


For assistance and more information, contact our help desk!