vPro 2.0.25 Release Notes


Notifications by Ad Type or Station

Account notifications can now be filtered by the stations or types for the requests that you manage. In your account settings under the Notifications tab, select “Edit” for each section of notification types. Then choose whether you’d like an email and/or in-system notification. If you only need notifications for specific Ad Types or stations, choose those options from the drop-down lists next to the notification type. Don’t forget to click Save!



This example shows that the user wishes to receive notifications only for requests in the “Review” status and only if the request is a terrestrial commercial adtype. Note: you will not be able to select an adtype or station unless the notification is ON. 

Bug Fixes and Improvements

    • System filter settings were not being retained after a refresh.
      Fixed to properly retain the show/hide options set
    • Client names were not displaying in real-time on the listview
      Fixed to retain client name display in real-time on the listview
    • Multi-line orders were showing as single orders as a draft. They were being linked once the order was submitted. Now they are linked before submitting
    • Scripts were not visible from the listview “View Script” link until clicking edit.
      Now the script will display immediately when the “View Script” link is clicked. 
    • Drafts were duplicated when left incomplete. Upon returning to a draft it was showing two request lines for one request. Fixed to ensure drafts remain intact when left unsubmitted. 
    • The “New” flag was not indicating for new jobs created in the system.
      Fixed to indicate when configured for a newly created job
    • The link to help articles became inactive.
      Fixed to ensure user access to vPro Help Articles
    • On phone displays, the order was cut off at the top by header padding and the first field was inaccessible. Adjusted padding in request form to display correctly on phones
    • Improvement to mobile handling of request forms
    • Improvement to file download handling
    • Added notifications improvements to resource management and booking
    • Improvements to New User account requests will now display contact phone number and time of submitting. Users will receive an email once their request is approved.
    • Internal Improvements to Firm and User setup configurations.