Sponsorship Starting/Ending Soon Email Notification

Firm Option for Sales People

A new Firm Option in the Sales section of Settings / Firm / Firm Options allow a Firm Admin to select the following email notification options:


Remind Sponsorship Sales Person Before Sponsorship Start

Selecting this option opens the field, "Days before Sponsorship Start." Enter the number of days before a sponsorship starts that you would like to notify the seller who sold it with an email notification. 


Remind Sponsorship Sales Person Before Sponsorship End

Selecting this option opens the field, "Days before Sponsorship End." Enter the number of days before a sponsorship ends that you would like to notify the seller who sold it with an email notification. 


Both of these notifications are designed to keep sellers aware of any approaching sponsorship start dates or end dates. Only the salesperson that sold the sponsorship will receive the email notification.


User Option for Managers

Sales Managers, Program Directors, Promotions Director and General Managers (Abilities) have the following user email notification options in Setting / User / Email Settings:


Email me _ days before a sponsorship starts

Selecting this option opens the field, "Days before Sponsorship Start." Enter the number of days before a sponsorship starts that you (the manager) would like to be notified with an email notification. 


Email me _ days before a sponsorship ends

Selecting this option opens the field, "Days before Sponsorship End." Enter the number of days before a sponsorship ends that you (the manager) would like to be notified with an email notification. 


These email notifications are designed to give managers the option of following up with sellers on upcoming sponsorships or sponsorships that may be up for renewal.