Email Authentication
Email authentication is about confirming that you’re the sender you claim to be. Emails sent to Winners in vPromotions are all from the domain, "" which is registered to vCreative. The "from" address is always [YourStationName] The Station Name is exactly the same as what is listed the Station Filters on your Home Calendar, and the Station listings in Settings/Firm/Stations (for Firm Admins).
Having the email come from a domain that is registered to the actual sender (vCreative) keeps your Winner Emails from being flagged as "phishing" by spam filters.
Spammy Subject Lines
Emails can end up in the spam folder due to the words in your subject lines. Spam filters remove junk from inbox folders of email users by flagging incoming messages that sound spammy.
Your subject lines should not create unnecessary urgency or push the recipient too much into taking action. Avoid far-fetched statements that sound too exaggerated, like claiming that everybody wins in your contests.
Other things to avoid are subject lines written in uppercase and many exclamation marks. If you use screaming colors like red, you might look like a spammer trying to attract attention. Try to avoid using words like win, free, sale, offer, urgent, last chance, claim your prize, and similar words or phrases in your subject.
Links in emails are vital since they redirect your recipients to the webpages you want them to view. They sometimes activate spam filters, however, so be sure not to overuse them in your emails, or your messages will go to the spam folder.