March 2016 vPromotions Update Information

New Features and Improvements


Zip Code Auto-fill City & State

When entering winner information, entering the Zip Code will now automatically fill in the City and State.

Enter the Zip Code and the City/State will auto-fill for you



Program Liners

Promotions Directors, Program Directors and Manager can schedule liners that are not associated with items on the vPromotions Calendar. From the Main Liners tab (the Liners Grid), clicking on the green +Program Liners button opens the wizard for creating liners without an associated PRF.


Quick non-PRF Liner Scheduling


Copy Liner to New Location on Liner Grid

From the main Liners tab (the Liner Grid), clicking on a scheduled liner and then clicking the new Copy icon and then clicking on an available slot on the grid will place a copy of the liner there.



Create Multiple Versions of Liners

On the +Add Liners wizard, checking the Create Multiple Versions box as a Promotions Director, Program Director or Manager allows you to create as many versions of a liner as you need. Furthermore, those liners will rotate sequentially and evenly within the run dates provided. You can attach multiple clients to each version to track mentions of each client in the liner.

1. Check Off Option
2. Provide Copy
3. Add Another Version

Topaz Signature Pad Release Signing

Now you can have winners sign the release electronically with a Topaz Signature Pad.

  1. Download the SigWeb Browser API from this site:
  2. Make sure your pad works properly here:
  3. Then from the Release, click “Sign” and instruct the winner to sign on the Pad.


Model T-S460-HSB-R tested


Schedule Multiple Plays at One Time

When setting up plays for a contest, you may need to schedule more than one play at a time to get multiple winners at one go. Check the Multiple Plays box on the Add Play screen and you can schedule as many plays as needed all on one date at the same time. Examples of this would be taking three callers to win at 5 p.m. or taking the first thirty text-2-win listeners.


1. Check off Multiple Plays
2. State how many Plays at one time
3. Set the Day/Time of the play


Vacation Stand-Ins for PRF Approvers

When a Sales Manager, Promotions Director or anyone in the approval chain is going to be off work (illness, vacation, etc.) a stand-in can be designated until they get back. Go toSettings > User > Vacation Stand In for this new option. You can set who is the stand-in, and the date range they'll be filling in. That person will be notified they are standing in for you and they'll have the stations and approval options you have until you return.


Granting approval authority to your back up while you are away



Blog History and Task History Items Link to Details

The Blog History and Task History drop-downs have been enhanced with simple links to the Details of the PRFs they reference. Just click on the PRF title and you pull up the full details on that request.


Approval and Blog history links to the PRF's Details



Calendar Click and Live PRF Notification Options

If you have a habit of accidentally clicking on the Calendar and opening a new PRF, you can now choose the option to opt out of this behavior. Go to Settings > User > General Settings and uncheck Open New PRF on Day Click. That will make the green +New PRF button the only way to start a new PRF.


Managers can now be notified on the Task List when a PRF goes live. Go to Settings > User > General Settings and check the box for Live PRF Notification in Tasks to receive this notification each time a PRF is fully approved and "Live from any of the stations you see in your account.


New General Settings


Liner Copy Field Auto-fills Text Field in Create Liners

If your PRF is setup to include a field for Liner Copy, the process of creating the liners from the manager's side just got much faster. When creating liners, the Liner Copy field will now auto-fill using what was provided by the submitter of the PRF.



Bug Fixes

  • Removing a station from a person’s account properly removes all Blog Messages and Tasks for those stations
  • Liners no longer require a refresh before moving them on the main Liners grid
  • Adding/Changing categories no longer clears the PRF fields
  • Liner Avails tool now includes all of the options that creating new liners contain
  • Liner Grid Dates and Days now appear consistently
  • Multi-Market managers can now change PRF Categories on any of their firms’ forms