August 1st, 2017 vPPO Release Notes



Cart History Search

The Search tool is often used to find specific spots or groups of spots. Sometimes we need to search for the Cart ID currently being used or sometimes what it was previously. Now, when a Cart ID is entered in the search tool a drop down appears to let you select Current, Past or Both. These options allow the search to find not just what the Cart ID is currently set to but also what it was previously, or both at the same time.

Also great for saving to a saved search folder!


 Report Improvements

  • Spot List report now includes Ad Type and Ad Type Group category options
  • Spot List report now includes a "Starting Status" option
  • New "Order Accounting" report for showing user activity on requests
  • New "Music Details" report for showing "Music Bed" information per request



  • Stopped "Script Approval" from showing in cases where it wasn't asked for
  • Voice talent properly included in blog email notifications again
  • Revisions/Extends report no longer timing for large groups or date ranges
  • Outsource or cross-market delegations properly email managers
  • Out of office settings saving properly for single-days
  • "Spot Review" requests showing properly in expected locations
  • Script now allowed on "Needs Scheduled" starting status requests
  • Production/Traffic/Creative/Talent/Digital notes now retain line breaks
  • Improved handling of French special characters