June 2016 vPromotions vPromotions Release

New Features and Improvements

Board Op Added to Event Jobs
Now, when setting up an event, Promotions and Programming Directors can schedule an Air Talent, Promotions Assistant, Sales Person, and Board Op! The board operators than run shows will be notified like any other person assigned a job on the PRF. Need other jobs to be assigned? See the next feature down.


Board Op is now a default Job available on events.


Custom Jobs Added to All PRFs
Firm Admins can create new Jobs for their Firm so that specialized tasks can be added to the system and the appropriate people assigned to them. Assigned staff will get a Task in the Task List and can click on “Got It” to verify that the task is done. Your admins can add these by going to Settings > Firm > Jobs > Add New.

Create any task you need to be a Job at events!

Notes Visible in Winner History
When the On Air staff executes a play and assigns the winner, they can easily enter in some notes about the winner. This improvement to the Front Desk view makes sure that those specific comments are now visible from the Front Desk Winner History at a glance.


Know what the On Air staff has made note of.

Default Rules Auto Assigned
If you have rules that generally apply to all contests, Firm Admins can assign default rules from the Settings > Firm > Stations > Default Rules (lock) Icon. Once chosen, these rules will appear automatically in the Contest Wizard for Promotions and Programming Directors and are editable for each contest from there.

Default rules can save time, every time.

Winner Fulfillment Info Emails
When a Promotions or Programming Director sets up a contest, under Prizes, they can now add winner email copy. This will automatically send winners with email addresses in the system a message with details about about what they have won and how to claim their prize.


Provided copy is sent via email to the winner.

Prizes-on the-Fly Inside Packages-on-the-Fly
Finally, all prize assignment can be completed from the Contest Wizard. Promotions and Programming Directors can create a new Prize Package from the Contest Wizard and add new Prizes to the Package right there in the Wizard. Previously, adding new Prizes to a newly created Package could only be done from the Prize Closet.

Prize Information Editable from the Winner History Information
This change allows Information about Prizes to be corrected, when needed, directly from the Winner History screen. This will make it more simple to make changes or updates to Prizes. Changes can be made from the PRF Details’ Plays section as well as under Settings > Promo > Winners. Of course, once a prize is claimed its information can no longer be changed.

Past Winner Information Entry
It is now possible to enter past Winners to make sure all Winner History is up to date. Promotions and Program Directors can add new winner History from Settings > Promo > Winners and then from a Winner’s Information click on the Add Previous Win Button.

Approval Order Customization
Need to adjust your approval process? vPromotions staff can now make those adjustments for you. Just contact the Help Desk at 1.800.605.9889 ext. 2.

New Winner Reports
Now you can pull up Winner Reports by Stations, Contest, and Prize. The Year End Prize Report is also now available. Find all of the latest Winner Reports in Reports from the main menu.



Bug Fixes

  • Available Liner Slots tool improved.
  • Start/End Times made more consistent
  • Winner History Report fixed