April 2015 vPPO Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

Client/Advertiser Name Management Tool
From time to time, a client's name is entered into PPO incorrectly. This means that on future orders and in the search tool, you may find very similar entries for the same advertiser. This new tool allows Local Admins to correct these nearly-duplicate client names. 
A full listing of client names is listed in the "Client" tool. You can filter by keyword, check off the overlapping names and then choose the target name to merge those into. All orders in PPO under the selected client names will be updated with the single and correct name.

To Do Page Improvements

Any time a copy, extend or revision is started, users land on the "To Do" page. We have enhanced this page to give more concise instruction on only the spots that are up for said changes. To prevent confusion about navigation, we've hidden the left-hand navigation on the To Do page as well. Also, experienced users can opt to hide the detailed instructions and navigation with a button push. For a revision, we've also added "ghost text" to emphasize the required PO Blog post that is needed for every revision.
A revision on the To Do page
The "ghost text" in the PO Blog

Greyed Out Dates on Extend

Should a user need to extend the dates of a currently airing spot, the Extend Date process should be followed. To prevent this very specific process from being used to change dates other than the End Date, both the Due and Start dates are now blocked from editing during the Extend Date process.
Remember, if a spot needs any changes other than just a later end date, then it is likely a Revision.
Only the End Date field should be edited during an Extend Date process

AE on Copy/Script

Raw copy submitted in PPO presents on an easy-to-read window when accessed from the "script" link in the Files column. This screen is formatted for printing (if you really have to) or for just reading off the screen. We have added the AE information to the formatting so that in addition to the other notes and information points, talent know which AE the spot is for.
All Sales POCs will be listed in the upper-right of the script


  • More logic checks in place to prevent dates preceding other dates (due/start/end)
  • Tasks associated to requests properly link to the QO form in the Task tool
  • Line breaks are now properly displayed in the Traffic pop-out in the Files column
  • Extra spaces no longer added to scripts following period and commas.