May 2015 vPPO Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

Link to vCreative Promo Login
For our lucky beta testers exploring the new Promo system from vCreative, the black bar in PPO now has a direct link for Promo login. We have also enabled a Promo Order link below Quick Order for those markets already setup to use vCreative Promo.
Promo link in upper right.
A Promo Order link to go into the Promo system.

Group Stations by Firm/Market

Some users submit requests that involve more stations than are in their local market. To help better organize the station section on the QO form, a new  My Account setting allows you to group the stations by their Firm/Market.
Enabled in My Account
  Stations from two markets sorted by market on the QO form.

Tag Check/Field Improvement

To keep the  Tag script area from being improperly used and to aid in sorting/searching of tagged spots, a new behavior is now in place on the QO form. There is a  Firm setting to enable the  Tag check on the QO form. When that setting is enabled, the  Tag checkbox will control if the  Tag script area appears or not. This saves space on the QO form when no tag is occurring and makes sure that any spot with tag copy is more easily searched, based on having the check in the  Tag box.
The option in Firm Settings
Tag checkbox must be used to show the Tag script field.

Script Window improvements

Audio files attached to a production request with a  File Type of "pronunciation" will now appear with an audio player on the Script window page. This gives voice talent quick access to the attached audio, making sure things are pronounced correctly the first time.
Pronunciation file and player at the bottom of the script

Voice Pool Usage Report

A new report has been added that gives the ability to see voice pool usage at a glance. Like many reports, you can choose a timeframe, a person (or leave blank for all talent in your market) and choose which firm/market to run it for (again, leave blank for all). The resulting report breaks the results down by Person's name, Direct Assignments, All Swims, Auditions, and Auditions Won.
Example results from a small voice pool.

Bug Fixes

  • The Uploaded check will now properly assign the user checking it off as the Digital POC (like Dubbing and Scheduling do)
  • Voice Request talent notes will no longer overwrite previous talent notes
  • Fixed proper required fields on QO form for web/display ads
  • Restored the date display when the Show clock setting is enabled in My Account
  • Restored the Co-op label showing in Special Instructions
  • Fixed Open Spots report to properly ignore Draft spots