February 2016 vPromotions Update Information



New Features and Improvements 


Task List Item History

When viewing items in the Task List, each item includes a history icon that, when clicked, will give you the task history for that item.

Liner List and Liner Avails Buttons

From the Liner Grid, you can click on the Liner List button and see a list of all currently running liners with run dates, number scheduled within the current week, and the total number scheduled.



Also from the Liner Grid, click on the Liner Availability button, choose the criteria that you would like, and click Get. The tool will get the total number of avails based on the dates and criteria that you enter.



Date Claimed on Winner History

The date and time on which the winner claimed the prize is now listed in the winner's history.




Multiple Liner Selection

Multiple liners can now be selected on the On Air screen and marked as tracked via the Mark all as Tracked button.



Live PRF and Assignment Options

Users can now get an email notification every time a PRF goes live on their station. Stay informed and know what promotions are starting up!


Also, when someone assigns a user as Sales, Talent or Promotions for a PRF, they can receive an instant email notification.



New General Settings

Broadcast Calendar

Some users like a calendar to be displayed "broadcast style", with Monday through Sunday formatting. Some also like the default Sunday through Saturday layout. A new user option lets you choose which way to display the Calendar in your account.

Details from Blog

This new option makes it so when you click on the notification for a new message in the Blog Badge drop down, you load up the full details of the PRF in addition to seeing the tool to enter a new blog message.

Auto Advance On Air Option

Each on air talent can set their On Air view to auto advance. After click Mark as Read or Mark as Tracked, the screen will auto-advance to the next item in the list.



Sales Assignments

Sales people can now be assigned to a PRF once the PRF is submitted. You can do this from the People tab on the Details page for each PRF.



Station-Based vs Firm-Based Rules

Promotion Directors can now choose from Days Between Wins (Station) and Days Between Wins (Firm) to allow rules to check against either wins specific to one station or across all stations in your group.


Password Reset Clarification

When a vPromotions user changes their password through the Forgot Password link on the login page, they receive an email with a link that allows them to change their password for vPromotions and vPPO simultaneously. We've also added a notation on the page to remind users from both systems of this connection.




Bug Fixes

  • Fixed PRF Category creation form fields issue
  • Fixed Abilities renaming issue
  • Fixed Winner assignment from the Detail > Plays screen
  • Minor vCreative product branding updates
  • Adjusted contest release to include imported winners/prizes
  • Promotions Assistants’ abilities adjusted
  • Fixed Blog Message order in email notifications
  • Added ability for Promotions Director to cancel any PRF
  • Adjusted default run dates on new PRFs to the run dates of that PRF
  • Fix for system banners that include links to blogs/images
  • Fix to Task List History to properly reflect all actions
  • Fixed same day cancellations of PRF to allow cancellation until the end of the promotion.
  • Fixed ability for users to change their email address



New Features and Improvements

  • Prize and Prize on the Fly Validation – vPromotions now checks more thoroughly for bad prize information and prevents it from saving.
  • Added loading graphic to the Details > Plays screen when attaching prizes.
  • Detailed contents of Prize Packs are now listed on the Winner Release.
  • In Contest Rules, the functional state rules are now working properly.
  • Release forms at the Front Desk now match exactly what is set up in the corresponding contest.
  • Role Visibility setting in Settings > Promo > Form Builder working correctly.
  • Prize quantity edit now reliably changes the quantity on all screens.
  • Win date added to Prize Receipts (in the Reports section)
  • Clicking on the vCreative logo now returns you to the Home Calendar
  • Winner Notes now included in Winner History
  • Complications associated with moving and swapping liners on the Liner Grid corrected.