July 2015 vPPO Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

Advanced Script Writing Tool

This new tool starts out as a new link in the Files Column. If a request doesn't have any raw copy provided (written or pasted in on the QO form) the  add script link will appear to allow the writer access to the full Script Writing Tool.

add script will only show for users with Writing ability enabled
The Script Writing Tool is similar to the script area of the QO form, but it is full screen and built off of the existing script preview page. This screen features the same tools as the compact window on the QO Form:
  • Read time estimate
  • Version tracking
  • Text formatting
  • Details about the request
Type or paste in the script, click Save!

Major Search Improvements

Titles, ISCIs, Carts & Music
The already amazing search tool now allows you to search for multiple Cart IDs, ISCI codes or Spot Titles plus the label used for the music bed. Searching for multiple options is done simply by using a comma and a space to separate your search terms. These can be overlapped just like other search terms to find exactly what you are looking for. The Music Bed search looks through all previously used notes or names entered in the  Music Bed field. 
Multiple searches separated by a comma and a space and a music search
The Approvals tab on the search tool will allow you to check off the requirement of or completion of an approval process. Spot, Script and Business approvals add a new layer to your one-time search and especially your saved searches.
Attributes & Files
The  Basics  tab of this new section of the search tool covers your need to locate spots in a specific place in the workflow outside of just the  Status. Check boxes for Scheduling, Uploading, Dubbing, and Cart ID can filter results to very specific places in your stations' workflow. Managers who have the  New and  Hot List options can also search by these traits.
The second tab,  Files, allows you to search against just that, files being attached or not. Final Spot requires that the  Ad Type is being used properly, as does the Aircheck section. File Attachments looks to see if any files are attached at all.
The People & POCs section of the search tool now features a drop-down for each POC Assignment option followed by the selector of it being Assigned or Unassigned.


Updated Audio Player (WAV playback!)

The streaming audio player has been updated to full HTML5, which allows us to play WAV files. More formats will be added in the future as well. Visually, the small play button looks nearly the same as it did before. Some locations, like the Voice Pool Search, have a full audio bar with controls.


Out Cue Field & Tool

There is a new  My Account option to show the  out cue popout in list views. 
When enabled, a new icon will appear in the  Files Column that allows you to listen to the spot with a slider control and a text field for entering the audio's out cue. Type in the out cue and click save.
This feature was designed for the new Auto-Dubbing Integration that PPO supports along with Mr. Master's AIM product. When you save the out cue in PPO, it gets saved to the meta-data of the file. Then, when it is automatically dubbed into the automation system, it has the out cue already with the file's information.

For more information about Auto-Dubbing, contact Melissa at melissa.rapp@vcreativeinc.com


Rename Saved Searches

saved search made with the search tool can now be renamed from the  My Account page. You simply click the rename link and you can type in a new name. If the name is already in use you will receive a warning, so be sure to name the folders something unique.
Click rename, type the new name and the green check saves the change.


New Saved Search Options

Every time you log into PPO and every time you submit a request you will land somewhere in the system. By default, you'll land in your Inbox and the submitted order, respectively. A while ago we added drop down menus to your  My Account settings to choose from system folders to land in instead. Now, you also have the option to land in any of your  Saved Search folders as well.
A clever AE could never miss a Spot/Script Review
Continuity Mangers could see any custom folder after every order submits

Past Due flag limitations

While production and sales both like to know when something has passed up its due date, there are times that the due date may not really be of a concern. Be default you'll see the big red  Past Due flag on any spot when you are on or past its stated Due Date. However, these new control will let you turn off the flag for times when you and your staff may not really consider that to be past due anymore.


Updated formatting toolbar

In locations like the QO form's script box and the new script writing tool above, users will see the text formatting toolbar has received and make-over. Not only have the buttons been updated but the code behind them has been updated to work better with more browsers. Some users may notice that the Copy, Paste and Cut buttons are missing. This was done on purpose as modern security requirements on browsers have changed how websites can access your local computer's memory for grabbing text that has been copied. This only means that the buttons are gone - you can still copy and paste text using the keyboard (CTRL+V = Paste, CTRL+C = Copy) or through the right-click menu.
Indents, font color, highlight color, bold, italics and underline

Require email for approvals

When scripts are being written and spots are being produced, sometimes the advertisers want to approve the work before moving forward. In PPO, we streamline the sharing of information with clients through the  send email link which uses the address provided on the QO form's  email to field. Now, managers have the option to make that email a requirement every time that an approval phase is asked for. This can apply to both manually requested approvals (submitter checks script/spot approval required) or when the managers have the settings so that these approvals steps are required on every request.
Your Local Admin  can set this option in Firm Settings


Better Voice Request History Tracking

The history for each spot will now gather more information about the voice requests. This covers direct voice requests to specific talent as well as Audition and All Swim requests to a voice pool. The history will state exactly what part of the script was requested and to whom it was assigned. When talent load their voice parts into PPO, that also register in the history now. When a voice request needs to be redone (using the  please redo link), the history will also state that fact clearly.



Spec Spot Email Notification

The email notification generated when a new Spec Spot is submitted will no specify in the subject line that it is for a Spec. Previously, the notification was formatted to just have "New Spot" and the Client and Spot Title information. This will hopefully make it clearer via nothing more than the subject what has been submitted.
Very clear subject, this is not a sold spot

Partially Scheduled

In some markets, Traffic staff only schedule spots for a subset of all the stations in their group. Should a spot bridge multiple stations scheduled by different staff, the spot will not trigger a P artially Scheduled notation above the list view. This is most likely to appear in an  All folder when a traffic user has scheduled their stations for a spot but other stations still need to be scheduled by other traffic staff members.
Toggle can be clicked to show or hide the spots in question

New Spot - Submitted By

For users who like to keep up to date via email, we want to make sure relevant information is in every notification PPO sends out. The "new spot" email now includes a notation as to who submitted the request, not just the common spot details.


Windows 10 and Edge Compatibility

Microsoft is  offering free upgrades from Windows 7 and Windows 8 to the new Windows 10 operating system. While PPO is run from your browser, we want to assure our users that we have been testing in Windows 10 through the beta phase and are confident that there will be no issues. This goes the same for the new Edge browser from Microsoft, the replacement for Internet Explorer in Windows 10. Those who choose to continue to run Chrome or Firefox will also be fine.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the attached spot length display from showing red when the file length was proper length
  • Fixed bad link to Help Center from the Feature Request/Bug Report page
  • Fixed bad page formatting on Deleted folder page for approval checks
  • Fixed email notification subject and body for spots with no Spot Title and only an ISCI code
  • Restored the please redo link for voice parts triggering an email notification to the talent
  • Added twenty-four-character limit to Day Part field to prevent misuse
  • Fixed non-delegating users (AEs mostly) being able to cancel pending voice request