January 2017 vPPO Release Notes


Custom Quick Order Form Fields

The QO form aims to be flexible and only ask the right questions. Now we have even more options to ask the EXACT question your forms need. Every  Ad Type can now be set up with unique fields in the form of single lines of text, multiple lines of text, single-option drop down, multiple-option drop downs or simple check boxes. Plus, each can be set with defaults and the option of it being a required field or not. 

Custom QO fields can only be added by the vCreative team, 
but it only takes a few minutes to implement!
Custom fields can then be shown on the List View for spots, appearing in the  Special Instructions section of the  Client column

URL: Required Field by Ad Type

There has been a setting to require a URL (client's website) for a while. However, you can now set it so that it is only required on specific  Ad Types. This will be most useful for all display  Ad Types that simply must have the URL provided every time, while not requiring it on all digital requests when it is sometimes not needed.

Contract: Required Field by Ad Type

Your stations may have various  Ad Types that need to have a contract number supplied every time at the time of order entry. There could be other  Ad Types that are just fine being submitted without the contract number. Now, each  Ad Type you have can independently require or not require the contract number be supplied.

Approval Options: Custom per Ad Type

If your current workflow involves team members "checking off" on work that we don't already have built into the  List View, those approvals can now be added per  Ad Type. A vCreative team member can assist in adding unique approval checkboxes for any  Ad Typethat needs them. These custom approvals will show up in the  Status column of the  List View. The users checking off these custom approvals will of course be logged in the History. However, at this time, these approvals do not directly impact the workflow statuses or other options.


Notes: Custom per Ad Type

Until recently, only the QO form's  Creative tab contained an open text field with a customizable "template" in place. Now, we can set up the same style of pre-defined suggestions or points in each of the notes fields. These are set up by vCreative staff on a per-Ad Type basis so different audio, streaming and display ads being requested can all have their own unique notes templates.



Prod vs Digital Delegations: Specific to Ad Type

The POC column allows for quick delegation of specific tasks. The PROD drop down can now be selective about which producers appear: Audio, Streaming or Display, based on user abilities. A new Audio ability can now be found on the My Account page near the top with all of the other Abilities. This is on by default for anyone who is already marked as aProducer. In markets where there may be "producers" who only produce image ads, or streaming audio can't accidentally be assigned terrestrial audio assignments. 



Auto-Dubber as Search Option

Markets that are using our automation integrations to auto-ingest final audio have a new search option. As the "Dubber" POC gets assigned to the  POC for that task, this can now be searched against so you can pull up a detailed view or a saved search based on the auto-ingested spots.

Relabel option for "Digital" POC

Most groups use the POC labeled "Digital" to assign the person who is to upload the streaming or display ads. We can now offer the simple ability to rename this field so that "Upload" or another more accurate title can be shown. Please contact the vPPO Help Desk with any questions about this "Firm" option.

Bug Fixes

  • "Send Emai" check mark in Files column staying after refresh
  • Out of Office settings properly expire at end of stated date range
  • Fix for Firefox using 1969 in reports when years are not selected