PRFs (Promotion Request Forms)


Promotion Request Forms

PRFs (Promotion Request Forms) are filled out to:

  • Add any promotion to the vPromotions Calendar
  • Begin the process of getting a promotion approved
  • Provide the information needed to execute the promotion if it is approved
  • Provide information to everyone about requested and approved promotions

The only way to add an item to the vPromotions Calendar is by filling out a PRF. This provides transparency, accountability, and reduces errors.

Each PRF has a category (i.e., Remote, Contest, etc.), and each category has a form that requests the information needed to make that specific type of promotion happen. Both the category names and the fields are customized by your Promotions Director(s) and Program Director(s), so if you ever feel that a field is unclear or missing, notify them. They can quickly and easily change the form if needed. 

PRF Submission

To submit a new PRF (Promotion Request Form):

  1. Click the green + New PRF button on the upper left of the vPromotions Calendar.

  2. Choose as many Categories as you need for the promotion.

  3. Fill out the form completely and click Save.


Note that as you are filling out your a PRF with more than one category chosen, any fields that are exactly the same for both categories will auto-fill with whatever you enter for the first category. This gives you the flexibility to leave them as they are, or add specific information for each category.

For example: If you are requesting a Remote and Web Content, and both categories' forms have fields called Title, Description, Liner Copy, and Total Buy, the information entered for Remote will automatically fill in those same fields for Web Content.

The exceptions to this auto-fill feature are:

  • Run Dates - Because those are usually different for each category
  • Stations - Only the first station entered will auto-fill into the other categories forms

Best Practice:

  1. Choose your first category. 
  2. Fill the form out completely.
  3. Choose the additional categories.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields and Save.

This will auto-fill all stations as well as any common fields between categories.