Needs Dubbed

The "Needs Dubbed" status refers to a spot that is complete and only needs to be loaded into the on-air automation system.

If you are using our Auto-Dubbing integration, a spot that has a Cart ID and a Final Spot file attached will automatically dub as soon as it has passed Quality Assurance.

The names available in the "Dub" delegation drop-down are only those users connected to you that have the "Dub" ability enabled in their My Account settings. Some markets may also have their audio dubbing handled by another location or "dub center". Whoever is entering final audio into your automation system will be made available in this dropdown.


If a spot is provided as final audio by the submitter it may be attached as a Final Spot in the Files Column. This would also be the case if the spot started at an earlier workflow status and has since matured up to the point where the final audio is now ready to be dubbed. If the spot's final audio is coming from an outside source, that delivery method should be provided by the submitter. This "spot arriving from" information is shown in the Files Column as well as highlighted as "Special Instructions" in the Client Column.

A spot that Needs Dubbed will typically have the final spot attached or the "spot arriving from" information provided.

Final audio that requires approval should be attached and the status should be set to "Spot Review". If not, it is assumed that the spot is ready to be dubbed. The producer finishing the spot may, as stated above, be expected to dub that audio into the on-air automation system or at least advance the status to "Needs Dubbed" so the appropriate dubber can handle it from there.