vPPO Starting Status

When creating a new order in vPPO, the order creator will need to choose the starting status of the order to indicate what steps need to be taken once that order is submitted.

The available statuses for a spot will vary depending on the user's role. An Account Executive submitting a new order will only have a few options. A Production Manager, Traffic Manager or Producer will see the entire range of status choices. 

A description of the basic starting statuses are:

Client Recording - this status should be chosen if the client will be providing the audio script for the submitted order.

Needs Announcer - most markets use this as the starting status for Live Read ad types.

Needs Dubbed - this status should be chosen if the creator is attaching the final spot to the order on submission and therefore the final spot only needs to be dubbed into your automation system.

Needs Production - this status should be chosen if the creator is including a final script with the order on submission and that script needs to be produced.

Needs Uploaded - this status should be chosen in circumstances similar to Needs Dubbed, but rather for digital orders. If the creator is attaching the final digital spot to the order (streaming or digital graphic spot) and therefore that final spot only needs to be uploaded to your digital platform (website or streaming service) then Needs Uploaded is the proper starting status.

Needs Writing - this status should be chosen if the creator is requesting the spot to have the script written.

Waiting on Copy - this status should be chosen if the creator would like to submit the order before the script has been included, but with the knowledge the script will be provided in the future to then be produced.

Waiting on Spot - this status should be chosen if the creator would like to submit the order before the final spot has been included, but with the knowledge the final spot will be provided in the future to then be dubbed.

There may be other status options available to choose from when creating an order, however those additional statuses are not typically used as starting statuses.

The status details listed above are generic definitions. Each station or market may have its own specific definitions for each status depending on their workflow and department makeup.

The status column in your folder views (Inbox/All) will display specific colors to help distinguish separate entries and their status. Here is the list of the Color Codes.

The status colors are not editable, however the intensity of the shade can be adjusted per user by clicking My Account in the lower left area of the user's home page and adjusting the Status Color percentage.


If you have additional questions on vPPO statuses, please feel free to reach out to the vCreative Help Desk available Monday - Friday from 8am - 8pm ET.