1. Knowledge Base
  2. vPPO
  3. Traffic and Continuity Workflow

Continuity Entry

Some Traffic or Continuity staff (sometimes Sales Assistants or Sales Manager) might put orders into vPPO themselves. They can do so in the exact same way any AE would submit. When doing this they might want to confirm the Cart ID of a spot as well as its scheduled state.

When a user is given the Traffic Ability they will not only be able to provide the Cart ID and check spots as Scheduled from the list view, but they will also have this ability from the QO.


A QO submitted that already has a Cart ID and/or Scheduled check on it will simply skip the Traffic staff's inbox. This is done so that an individual created orders that are essentially already handled by Traffic they do not have to then relocate the spot in the list view to process as is described above.