August 21 vPPO Update (Solar Eclipse Edition)


File Uploads: Auto-Advance Status 

To help expedite the workflow of requests when files of a specified Ad Type are attached, this firm setting can auto-advance to the next logical status. The suggested settings will be for Final Scripts to move the request up to Needs Production, unless script approval is needed, then Script Review. Similarly, Final Spot uploads can auto-advance the request to Needs Dubbed status, or Spot Review if it is required. However, any File Type can be used if your group doesn't specifically use the terms "Final Script" and "Final Spot". This feature is turned OFF by default however. Please have your Local Admin turn this on or have then reach out to the vCreative Help Desk for assistance.


Digital/Upload options will be added soon!


Failed Logins & Account Recovery

When your username and password don't match, we provide a simple tool to recover your username with your email, or to reset your password by providing your username or password. Now, when you happen to fail to log in the "Recover now" link appears directly below the login fields:


The Account Recovery Options screen has been optimized for mobile use and now has goal-specific tabs for greater clarity:



Improved Auto-Delegation

The delegation options (POC column) have for a long time auto-assigned staff if they are the only possible option. As vPPO has been adding more support for Website/Digital and TV station workflow, new delegation rules have been created. The auto-delegations will now pay specific attention to the stations and Ad Types of a request to make sure Audio only producers don't get auto-assigned to a TV spot, and vice versa.



  • Keyboard only QO form entry improved, tabbing to fields fixed
  • Voice Pool Request Usage report now has a "person" option to specify scope of report
  • Voice part files retain original file name on download
  • All voice talent on a request getting the expected Blog post notification emails
  • Streaming spots that require production will properly show to Production Directors in their inbox if the web-stations are in their profile
  • Cross-market or outsource delegate spots now produce proper email notifications to department heads
  • Improved handling for French language accent characters
  • Search-by-date properly using local time and not GMT
  • Station and Ad Type information added to email notifications
  • Attached files when a URL is used properly showing file name
  • Digital URL requirements reinforced on requests when required
  • Default placeholder of "Untitled Spot" no longer allowed on requests
  • Final Spot Upload Date now listed on Spot list report
  • Sold spec report no longer timing out on large date ranges
  • No more overlap issue on My Account on lower resolutions
  • Co-op checkbox still available on Revisions and Needs Writing requests
  • Fixes for Firefox date handling in Reports