Endorsements | Talent Search

Find the Right Talent for Your Endorsement Spots

The Endorsements Module Talent Search is a helpful tool for finding which talent would be best for your Endorsement spot without having to contact the talent directly to get an answer. 

Here's how it works:

  1. You can find a Talent Search button after creating a Campaign from the Campaigns tab, or you can start by searching for a Talent by clicking on the Talent Search link in the Upper Right or in the Left Navigation Menu in Endorsements
  2. Once open, you can select the market in which your Campaign will air.
  3. You can also narrow the field by selecting additional criteria in the left panel of the Talent Search.
  4. If a Talent has a specific category blocked, you'll see that in red and that talent will appear at the bottom of the Talent list.
  5. If the Category Conflicts button is red, that means the talent already has an endorsement in the same category as your client during that time period.
  6. If the Show Conflicts button is red, that means a  talent on the same show already has an endorsement in the same category as your client during that time period.
  7. You can click on the talent's name to open the Talent Profile to see more information about what endorsements the Talent is currently doing, when they end, etc.
  8. Click New Campaign to start a new Campaign for that talent.

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