Endorsements | Replacing Spots

How to end a spot and start a new Endorsement spot to replace the current spot.

  1. Go to Endorsements from vPPO
  2. Find your campaign and open the Campaign Dashboard
  3. Find the Talent and click Renew/Extend and Proceed with restarting the approval process
  4. Edit the current spot run dates, dues date, etc.
  5. Add a new spot(s) to run in the future. 
  6. If extending the dates, first change the Campaign dates in the left panel. Spots can only run within the Campaign dates.
  7. Start the approval process.
  8. After Sales Manager, Talent, and Content Manager approve, make sure your Contract Numbers are in and click BOOK and Proceed.
  9. That's it! Click view next to each spot to view the PO in vPPO.

Video Example: