Cart Id Validation Rules

Cart Id rules are available within each organization to validate Cart Id numbers for each station. 

No Reuse Rule

Manage the reuse of Cart IDs within your system. This feature empowers you to specify a precise timeframe during which a Cart ID can be utilized for a single station. Once activated, users will receive a warning if a Cart ID is already in use for the same station within the designated timeframe, ensuring better organization and resource allocation.

When this warning is displayed, a new valid Cart Id can be entered and saved. Users that have the can override cartid rules ability will be able to save a Cart Id despite being a duplicate.

Key Features:

Customizable Timeframe: Set the number of days within which a Cart ID can be used for a single station.
Automatic Warnings: Users will be alerted if a Cart ID is already in use for the same station within the specified timeframe, based on end dates of existing requests.
User Overrides: Grant special permissions to certain users to bypass these warnings when necessary, offering flexibility and control.

Important Note: The No Reuse Rule operates independently for each station, ensuring that restrictions applied to one station do not affect others. This means that a commercial can still air across multiple stations without being flagged as a duplicate, enhancing the efficiency of your operations.


Contact support for more information or to enable this feature for your organization.