Copy Plays, Liners and Sponsorships from Copied PRF

When you copy a PRF, Plays, Liners and Sponsorships can be copied too.

When someone with Promotions Director, Program Director, or General Manager ability copies a PRF:

After clicking Copy PRF from the Action button of the PRF Details, changing the dates, etc on the form, and clicking Save, you'll see this screen:

  1. You'll see what PRF you are copying from, with a link to the original PRF.
  2. Check this box to copy the Plays (Play dates/times will be adjusted based on the dates of the PRF Copy.)
  3. Check this box to copy the Queued Liners (Liner run dates will be adjusted based on the dates of the PRF Copy.) This only works for stations using Priority-Based Liner Scheduling.
  4. Check this box to copy the Sponsorship opportunities (Sponsorships will be adjusted based on the dates of the PRF Copy.)
  5. Click Copy Elements.

What if I have copied a PRF and I want to go back and copy Plays, Liners and/or Sponsorships later?

PRFs that were copied from other PRF will have a "copy" icon next to the title.

From inside those PRFs, click on Actions and then Copy Elements. From there you can copy Plays, Liners and Sponsorships, even if they were added to the original after you copied the PRF! 

Note: Copy Elements is what you will use to copy Liners, Plays and Sponsorships from PRFs that Sales copied from another PRF, just in case you need to do that. It's also a great way to go link back to the original PRF if needed.

Video Demonstration