Welcome to the PromoSuite Help Center

Welcome to the PromoSuite Help Center - an "always on" knowledge base that we maintain to better serve your needs, anytime you need assistance, 24/7/365.  Here you will find learning resources, product-based FAQ articles and the ability to manage support requests all in one place.

Do I Need a "User Account" to Access the Help Center?

No, but having one can be useful.  Creating an account enables you to "Submit a request" for support right here in the Help Center, view the status of any open or past requests, as well as comment or add information to those requests, all in one interface.  Over time we may also restrict certain content to logged in customers only (vs. the information being publicly available to anyone online).

In both scenarios a user account will help you take full advantage of the Help Center - and the good news is you likely already have an account, you just don't know it.  For more information please review our article on How To Create A Help Center User Account.

How Do I Submit a Support Request (a Ticket) in the Help Center?

You must have a user account and be logged in to submit a support request via the Help Center.  When logged in, click "Submit a request" in the upper right corner of this page, then select the topic that best suites your need, complete the form and hit submit.  For more on what happens next please review our article on What to Expect: PromoSuite Support Workflow.

Can I Email or Call When I Have A Question or Need Assistance?

Absolutely. You can always send email to support@promosuite.com or call (212) 509-1200, and one of our product experts will assist you (or get back to you shortly with assistance) during Live Support hours.

When Is Live Support Available?

Our team is available to assist you Monday through Friday, 9AM – 6PM ET, with the exception of certain holidays throughout the year.

Is Emergency Support Available?

Yes - please review our article on How To Contact Emergency Support.