This will give an overview on how to create & edit a template.
- Click on Email Management & then click on Build and Manage Templates
- To create a new template, give it a name & then click on Template Builder. To edit an existing template, click on the Open button & select the template to edit.
- The first screen will give you a blank layout on the left-hand side & single/double/triple column blocks on the right-hand side. There are two options for the columns, the left-most options are for just top & bottom borders, while the right-most options are for borders all around. By default, there will be no visible borders, so if you do not plan on using borders, either option will work.
- You can click & drag whichever option you want into the blank layout, depending on your template layout. You can also move/delete the blocks by hovering your mouse towards the top-right area of the block.
- Once you have all of your blueprint blocks set, click on the green toggle in the top-right corner that says Blueprint. This will then give you the Block elements you can add into your template. Similar to the blueprint section, you can click & drag whatever element you would like into the section you want. To move a block around, click & drag from the four-arrow button in the top-left corner. For image blocks, if you want to make the image clickable, click on the pencil icon & fill out the Image URL field with the desired link.
- Once you are finished, click on the Save button in the top-right corner.