Approving vPPO accounts

We check the " New Accounts" folder as often as possible through-out the day to make sure that accounts pending approval aren't sitting there for more than 30 minutes. So, in between calls/chats always be checking. 
BEFORE you begin approving accounts always make sure you notify the vPPO_hd room that you are " clearing accounts" to ensure only one person at a time is working on approvals. 
First look for a "dupe" flag: 
This usually is telling you that the users name and/or email is already in the system. In that case you need to put their name into the ghost panel to find out.
  • Determine if it's the same person.
  • If their name is in the system under another Firm name we can approve their new account. But we should also alert the first firm that they should delete the user from their staff list in vPPO. (it is their responsibility unless they tell us to delete it for them)
  • If their name is in the system under the SAME FIRM & MARKET that they are requesting, then we reach out to that user and tell them that they already have an active account with that firm/market, we provide them their username and advise them to use the account recovery tool if they also need their password. 
  • If their name is in the system under the SAME FIRM but DIFFERENT market. Then we reach out to that user to find out if they are working for both markets and just need access to both or if this is a transfer. If they just need access to both, you delete the new request and do a person relationship / person 2 stations. (they'll be happy to know they only need one login)
  • If it's a transfer to a new market and they don't need any info from their old marketalter their email from the old account (i.e. na@theirfirm.comand changing the status of that account to deleted. Then, approving the new account for their current market. (This ensures that they don't receive notifications from spots at the old market.) 
Once you've determined the account can be approved...
You'll need to make sure the email matches the firm they are requesting.
Give them the abilities for the role they are requesting using the key-code provided at the top. (Remember to add "Audio" with the traffic, producer limited and Prod directors abilities to ensure they can be seen for delegation and receive notifications)
Set the role, verify and approve.
There are  exceptions and alternate setups for certain firms so you have to use extreme caution when approving accounts. If you are unsure in the slightest just let us know in the vPPO_hd room that you didn't approve one or your unsure about one. 

Some (not all) Univision accounts may need the "TV" ability or Both "Audio" & "TV"...if you're unsure you can reach out to the user, ask Julian, or just leave that one and let someone know it's there. 
PDQ & Westwood One accounts are approved by Doc only
If you don't see a market that is being requested, just ask. It may be under another market name. (for instance: Townsquare - Poughkeepsie uses Hudson Valley)
If you don't feel 100% sure, don't approve.