EMI - Electronic Materials Instruction Integration HD Staff


Here is a quick overview/tutorial Tom did on how EMI looks/works in vPPO.


Here is a video of how the EMI software itself looks for a user and they process they would go through to bring it to vPPO.

(the actual needed details in this video don't start until just after 14 minutes in and end at almost 22 minutes in)



vPPO and WideOrbit Electronic Material Instructions integration

vPPO can now create and electronically send material instruction sets to WideOrbit’s WO Traffic platform through the WideOrbit Electronic Material Instructions (EMI) integration. Selected production orders in vPPO are sent to EMI as instruction sets. Instruction sets are flights or rotations that include start date, end date, length, and rotation percentage. Sending instruction sets saves entry time in WideOrbit. To use this service, markets are required to have WO Traffic v21.0 or later and a license for WideOrbit’s Electronic Materials Instructions module. 

vPPO Firm Setting

WideOrbit EMI is enabled on the Firm Settings page. Only vCreative staff can access the setting.    And be sure the Max ISCI allowance is set to 25 or less.

vPPO EMI Process

Users with the vCreative Traffic Role will have access to the EMI Ready checkbox once a cart ID is added to a vPPO spot. The EMI Ready checkbox will be visible on each spot in the cart field in the vPPO list view.

When spots are selected as EMI Ready, vPPO will confirm the rotation is between 99% and 100%.    

  • If the rotation(s) is within the required rotation parameters, a Pre-validated Flight message will appear with buttons to either Send the flight(s) to EMI or Deselect all EMI Spots
  • If the rotation(s) is not between 99% and 100%, an Incomplete Flight message will appear and the Deselect all EMI Spots button will now allow users to uncheck the EMI Ready checkbox in order to make necessary changes.

Selected production orders in vPPO in essence  become “instruction sets” for WideOrbit EMI. Think of instruction sets as flights or rotations that include start and end date, length and rotation percentage.  


Once a rotation is sent to WideOrbit EMI, a popup message will appear in the upper right corner of the vPPO page. This message can be removed with the X or by clicking Dismiss All link.   

vPPO History will show the timestamp when the rotation was submitted, the individual sending the rotation, and the EMI job number.

Traffic Files

vPPO will also send Traffic instruction documents to WideOrbit EMI. If Traffic instruction documents are attached to the spot and they are in .pdf or .tiff format, vPPO will send the files along with the spot information to EMI. The File type must be Traffic File or Traffic Instructions.

Additional Information Passed to EMI

There are several vPPO fields passed to the EMI Comments field: Contract Number, Daypart and Traffic Notes. vPPO will also pass the Estimate Number to the EMI Estimate field.  

EMI Instruction Set Guidelines

  • You can not create a single instruction set to send to EMI from multiple production orders. If there is more than one spot in the rotation, all spots must be on the same vPPO production order.
  • Multiple spots are allowed in the same flight/instruction if the rotation totals 99% or greater
    • Example:  3 - 30 second spots each with a rotation percent of 33%, 33%, 34% (total 100%) with the same run dates.
  • Multiple spot lengths are allowed on one vPPO production order. Each spot length will be treated as a standalone flight/instruction.
    • Example: 1 - 60 second spot  at 100%,  2 - 30 second spots each with a 50% rotation.  
    • In this example the 60 second spot is treated as a separate rotation from the 2 - 30 second spots and will be sent to EMI as a separate flight/instruction.
  • Multiple Flights are possible, example: a concert advertiser might have 3 flights
    • Pre Sale running 10/1-10/5  1x:30 at 100%
    • Gen Use running 10/6-10/21 2x:30 with 60/40% rotation
    • Day Of, running 10/22 1x:30 at 100%
  • Overlapping dates are possible under certain circumstances, overall dates have to match and rotation must add up to 100%.
    • Spot 1 runs at 50%  9/1 - 9/30
    • Spot 2 runs at 50% 9/1 - 9/15
    • Spot 3 runs at 50% 9/16 - 9/30
  • It is possible to have different instruction sets on the same vPPO production order for the same length and run dates.  These instruction sets would be sent individually to EMI.   
    • Example:  An advertiser is running an endorsement spot and an ROS spot together in the same week.
    • In this example, when the endorsement spot runs 100% from 9/1-9/7, you will add the cart ID in vPPO and click EMI Ready to send to EMI.
    • After you have sent the endorsement spot, then you will send the ROS spot. The ROS spot also runs 100% from 9/1-9/7. You will add the cart ID, click EMI Ready and send to EMI.