Basic Talent Endorsements Module Workflow

Basic Workflow Video

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  1. Account Executive
    1. Click Endorsements in vPPO or vPro.
    2. Click Campaigns.
    3. Click the Create button.
    4. Enter campaign information.
    5. Click Save.
    6. Click the Talent Search button and find a talent using the attributes listed, or by clicking on a talent to view their profile.
    7. A red box with a number in it shows any conflicts that may exist for the corresponding talent/show.
    8. Click the +Add button for the talent that you wish to select.
    9. When finished selecting talent, click the x in the upper right of the Talent Roster
    10. Click +New Ad in the Campaign Ads area for the talent selected and highlighted.
    11. Fill in the required information and click Save.
    12. Choose at least one station under Ad Stations, and click the Add button
    13. Click on the station to show Ad Weeks by Station
    14. Enter fees by week if different from what automatically populates.
    15. Note the Fees area for different ways of applying Endorsement Fees.
    16. Whe finished, click the x in the upper right of Campaign Talent Ad.
    17. If additional ads are needed, repeat steps 10-16 until all ads are in.
    18. In the Endorsers section, click the Start Approvals button to see the approval steps in Tasks and Approvals.
    19. When fully approved, click the Book button and go back to vPPO or vPro by going back to the Home screen and clicking Return to vCreative.

  2. Talent
    1. When you get the email notifying you that there is a new endorsement for your approval, sign in to vPPO or vPro and click Endorsements
    2. Under My Campaign Tasks, click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that you want to see.
    3. Click Approve there, if acceptable, or click Decline if not acceptable.
    4. If more information is needed, close the Campaign Talent Task area by clicking the x in the upper right.
    5. To see the detailed campaign information, click the title of the campaign.
    6. Click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that is waiting for your action.
    7. Go back to the Home screen and click Return to vCreative.

  3. Sales Manager
    1. When you get the email notifying you that there is a new endorsement for your approval, sign in to vPPO or vPro and click Endorsements
    2. Under My Campaign Tasks, click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that you want to see.
    3. Click Approve there, if acceptable, or click Decline if not acceptable.
    4. If more information is needed, close the Campaign Talent Task area by clicking the x in the upper right.
    5. To see the detailed campaign information, click the title of the campaign.
    6. Click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that is waiting for your action.
    7. Go back to the Home screen and click Return to vCreative.

  4. Content Manager
    1. When you get the email notifying you that there is a new endorsement for your approval, sign in to vPPO or vPro and click Endorsements
    2. Under My Campaign Tasks, click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that you want to see.
    3. Click Approve there, if acceptable, or click Decline if not acceptable.
    4. If more information is needed, close the Campaign Talent Task area by clicking the x in the upper right.
    5. To see the detailed campaign information, click the title of the campaign.
    6. Click on the Open Record icon on the right of the task that is waiting for your action.
    7. Go back to the Home screen and click Return to vCreative.

  5. Accounts Payable
    1. View the Payment Report to mark each endorsement as Paid as they are closed.

NOTE: Revisions to the Payment Report are pending to restrict talent to seeing only their endorsements, and to show completed endorsements in the accounts payable list, rather than pending ones.